Saturday, December 8, 2012

Fun Christmas Game! "The Great Photo Challenge"

To my fellow pastor's wives--many of us plan Christmas parties for staff, women's ministries, leaders, volunteers, etc. during the Christmas season. It can be a stressful time trying to create a fun experience for other people, but it doesn't have to be! Here's a game I made up that was a big hit. Of course you may have to adapt it to the group you are entertaining.  We had about 75 men, women, and youth at our Christmas party & everyone loved it:
The Great "your church name" Christmas Photo Challenge
Your challenge:  to be the first group (group of 4-6) to take all 10 pics.

With the people at your table, get the following pics*:

STOP! First, make a sign with your team name.*
GAME RULE: Make sure someone holds the sign in each picture!


1)   Every group member out in front of the building with coats on & BIG smiles.

2)  Woman w/ scarf joyfully holding her hands up

3)  Man holding ornament wearing sunglasses & serious scowl on his face

4)  3 people under a table looking scared!

5)  3 people shouting on their phones

6)  2 people on the stage pretending to sing opera style

7)  Woman holding a present looking VERY surprised!

8)  Every group member in pic stoically holding something RED

9)  Man wearing Santa hat** & peacefully holding a Christmas CD

10) Every group member wearing your napkin like a bib and desperately holding your glass out


Take all pics on the same camera/phone

Don’t forget to show your team’s sign in each pic!
*When you pass out the instructions, provide paper & a few markers for their sign
**make sure you are wearing this when you give out the instructions for the game